Sunrise Alarm

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The Sunrise Alarm is a project I created that uses the Tuya Smart Light Bulb to simulate a natural sunrise. By gradually increasing the brightness of the light bulb using the Tuya Cloud API, it provides a gentle wake-up experience in the morning. This project is ideal for individuals who find it difficult to wake up with traditional alarms or who prefer a more serene way to begin their day.

Tuya Cloud API Setup

This project utilizes the TinyTuya Python library to communicate with the Tuya Cloud API. In order to connect with your Tuya Smart Light Bulb, you simply need to acquire your Device ID and Local Key. The following steps will summarize how to obtain these values, but it is strongly advised to refer to the official documentation for detailed instructions.

  1. Download the Tuya Smart app on your mobile device, create an account, and add your Tuya Smart Light Bulb
  2. Create a virtual Python environment using either venv or conda
  3. Create a Tuya Developer Account and create a cloud project following these instructions
  4. Install the TinyTuya library using pip install tinytuya
  5. Run the python -m tinytuya wizard to create a devices.json file
    • Locate the API Key and API Secret
    • Locate the Device ID either by running python -m tinytuya scan or clicking "Devices" on your project page
    • Answer "no" for all yes/no questions
  6. Locate the Device ID and Local Key in the devices.json file
    • id: xxxxxx
    • key: xxxxxx

Code Setup

In this section, we will set up the code to run the Sunrise Alarm project.

  1. Clone the project from Github
  2. Open the and files and replace the DEVICE_ID and LOCAL_KEY with the ones you obtained from TinyTuya

Running the Code

  1. Run gcc -o sunalarm sunalarm.c and then ./sunalarm
  2. Insert the time you want the alarm to be set off in the given prompt
    • Example: Enter the time for the alarm (HH MM AM/PM): 9 00 AM

Example Video

Here is a video demonstration of the Sunrise Alarm project in action, sped up 40 times.